2024 Survey Now Open

2024 Survey Now Open

Watch the video below to learn more about the WA Student Satisfaction Survey

  • The survey is about your personal course experiences and about what you like and don’t like about your course and training provider.

    Each year, results from the survey are used to evaluate, monitor and improve the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system in Western Australia.

    The survey will only take you about 10 minutes to complete, and you can win your share of $2,750!

    This survey is being conducted by Wallis Social Research on behalf of the Western Australian Department of Training and Workforce Development. You can read more about it on the Department’s website here.

  • The Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) is an annual ongoing study of VET students in Western Australia.

    The survey gathers responses from a population of approximately 70,000 students each year in Western Australia.

    The results from the survey inform the development and improvement of policy, planning and resources, and enable training providers to gain a better understanding of their students and their needs. The survey is also a critical component of statutory reporting for State Parliament.

    Wallis Social Research (Wallis) is the independent research company engaged by the Western Australian Department of Training and Workforce Development to manage the data collection component of this research.

    If you choose to participate in this research you will undertake a survey questionnaire. The survey will ask a range of questions about your experiences and satisfaction regarding things such as course costs, location of campus, support services, and infrastructure.

    This survey takes most people approximately 10 minutes to complete and your answers to all questions will be treated as confidential.

    Source of funding

    This research project is funded by the Western Australian Department of Training and Workforce Development.

  • You have been chosen for this research because you currently are or were a student enrolled at a TAFE or private training provider in 2024.

    Please note, this survey is not open to:

    • international (full fee) paying students,

    • adult community education (ACE) students,

    • VET in School Students, or

    • students under 15 years of age.

    Even if you enrolled in more than one course, you will only need to do the survey once. Please respond based on your personal experiences for the main course you have studied this year.

  • Your name, contact information and course and training provider information was provided to Wallis by the Western Australian Department of Training and Workforce Development.

    The Department accesses AVETMISS data which stands for the Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard.

    It is a national database of students enrolled in vocational education and training (VET), whereby enrolled student data is regularly updated by registered training organisations.

    The Department has provided Wallis with a sample of students enrolled in VET during 2024 for the purposes of conducting this survey.

  • If you are eligible you would have received an invitation to complete the survey.

    You can also complete the survey online, on paper, or over the phone.

    Online: follow the link sent to you via SMS or email, or click the link on this page.

    Paper: complete the paper questionnaire provided to you by your TAFE or training provider and mail it back to Wallis using the following reply paid address (no stamp needed): Wallis Consulting Group, Reply Paid 92126, Camberwell VIC 3124

    Phone: telephone interviewing will begin in October 2024, if you would like to complete the survey over the phone you can make an appointment by calling 1800 314 705.

  • All research is conducted in accordance with the Australian Data and Insights Association (ADIA) Code of Professional Behaviour, which guarantees anonymity to respondents, and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) which sets out rules about the way in which personally identified information on individuals is to be collected, stored, transferred and used.

    Your personal details and your survey responses will be kept strictly confidential and will remain anonymous. Only anonymised data will be provided back to the Western Australian Department of Training and Workforce Development or the TAFEs and private training providers, and only aggregated results will be made available to private training providers.

    For further information on how Wallis handles personal information please visit www.wallis.social/privacy.

  • If you would like further information or have any queries about the research, you can contact Wallis on freecall 1800 314 705 in or email WAStudents@wallis.social

    You can also contact the Department at surveys@dtwd.wa.gov.au

    If you need to leave Wallis a message, please quote reference number 5034 and your name and survey ID (if you have it), so that we can find your details and respond to your query.

    What you will need when contacting us…

    When you contact us, it would be helpful if you had the following information on hand:

    • Your survey ID

      This is a random number we have allocated to each survey participant so that you remain anonymous in any data sets or reporting. You will find your survey ID in the subject line of the emails we’ve sent you, or the last 7 characters of your survey link sent to you by SMS. Your survey ID includes five numbers and two letters.

    If you don’t have your survey ID, or can’t find it, then we will need…

    • Your student ID

      Your student number is normally 10 digits in length and can be found on your student card, your enrolment form, your student portal (possibly as your login code), your timetable, or can be requested from your Student Services or Library staff.

    • Your name and your TAFE or private training provider name.

  • Entry is open to respondents of the WA Student Satisfaction Survey 2024. Respondents under the age of 18 years, and respondents who complete the hardcopy survey are not eligible to enter the prize draws.

    The total value of the prize pool across all three draws is $2,750.

    • The total value of the first prize draw is $1,700 in eGiftcards.

    • The total value of the second prize draw is $800 in eGiftcards.

    • The total value of the third prize draw is $250 in eGiftcards.

    Entry into the First Prize Draw is open to all those who complete the survey online or by telephone by midnight Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) 6 October 2024.

    Entry into the Second Prize Draw is open to all those who complete the survey by midnight AWST 20 October 2024.

    Entry into the Third Prize Draw is open to all those who complete the survey by midnight AWST 3 November 2024.

    Winners will be notified by telephone and email, using the most recent contact details provided within 7 days of the draw.

    Full prize draw terms and conditions are available here.

  • All WA Student Satisfaction Survey prize draw winners will receive an eGiftcard.

    After prize draw winners have been notified, winners will be emailed their eGiftcard prize using the email address confirmed at the time of notification.

    The email will contain a link to GiftPay where the winner can choose how to spend the value of their eGiftcard across over 80 different retailers and charities listed here.

    Each giftcard brand and denomination is subject to demand and availability. Therefore each brand and denomination of giftcard may not be available at all times.

    If you do not receive your reward link from Wallis, phone 1800 314 705 to check its status (having first checked your email ‘junk’ folder).

    Conditions and exclusions apply. Full details for each gift can be found at this link.

  • Prize draw winners for 2024 will be announced here within 7 days of each of the three prize draws.

  • If you do not wish to take the survey, please notify Wallis on freecall 1800 314 705 or email WAStudents@wallis.social.

    Wallis’ research team is committed to ensuring your physical, social and psychological welfare. Participants can withdraw from participation in this research at any time without penalty.

    In the unlikely event of distress arising from participation in this survey, the Wallis team will provide every opportunity for debriefing, and instructions on how to access support or counselling services.

  • The survey is entirely confidential. Your personally identifiable details are only used to contact you and they are removed from the answers you give – even if you agree to take part in further research or enter the prize draw.

  • All data collected during this research is stored securely in accordance with ISO:27001 regulations.

    Wallis is accredited to the international ISO:27001. This is the standard that provides you with the knowledge that Wallis systems, processes and people are keeping your data safe. In addition to ISO:27001, Wallis ensures it is across all the latest cyber threats as an active Network Partner of the Australian Cyber Security Centre. This ensures Wallis remains at the forefront of mitigating the latest cyber threat impacting organisations across the country.

    Personal contact information is stored securely at Wallis and access to it is restricted to members of the WA Student Satisfaction Survey research team or Wallis employees directly involved in data collection.

    The survey dataset (from which all identifying information will be removed) will be stored securely on Western Australian Department of Training and Workforce Development servers with limited access permissions.

  • If you are feeling anxious or distressed at any time, counselling is accessible through Beyond Blue 1300 224 636.

    In an emergency call 000.

    A list of other support services is available here.

Help and support

freecall 1800 314 705